Apr 5, 2013

Some Insane thoughts :/

I am confused if I should write my emotions right now here.But it is always better to express your feelings,rather than suppressing everything .I am sorry that I dont have any idea of what to write now.

But I am feeling so desperate and bored with no reason.Actually these days my mind is suddenly switching from the peak of excitement to the deepest sadness :(

I love to sit alone when I feel sad,but I prefer to be with my dear ones when I m too happy.Because it is difficult to explain to anyone the reasons when I really feel bad.My mind murmurs now that nothing or no one can make me feel better now.May be I would feel better after pouring my lunatic mind thoughts to this blog.

It is in these moments we realize that life is not  a hey of pearls to rush for it leaving our dear ones hurt,or ignoring our relationships.And we get to know  the things that money and our possession cant bring to us.It is a stupid way to live life with our  blind selfish mottos.

It is a nice feeling when we have the patience to listen  to the smallest things, those one which we usually ignore.Because our life is composed not with all the big events,but it is a beautiful chain with the little beads of love,care and the smallest people whom we ignore most.

1 Response to Some Insane thoughts :/

April 05, 2013

writing down is of course one of the best ways to express...
keep going

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