Most of our conversations start as the above.It is true,there is enough hot these days,that could possibly evapourate even the blood.
I feel it is a terrible task to spend atleast 5 minutes in the town in the day light.But it is unavoidable for a student,employee or who ever else.
It is a dangerous fact that,buildings replaced our old banyan trees that stayed on our road sides as a relief in earlier days.
Many green elements that stuck to my childhood memories has vanished.
Many researchers have found that green is the color that a human eye founds comfortable.So watching the greenaries is a good aid as a self-relaxing manner.
But,what if green nature starts vanishing from earth?what should we do?Simply giving lectures about the consequences? Would that do ?
Need to Go
Let us show others,what these great green can do?
Common,Action speaks louder than words.
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